Become A Member of the Victory Boulevard Merchants Association
If you’re a business owner on Victory Boulevard around Manor Road and Jewett Avenue, we’d love to invite you to join the VBMA.
Benefits of joining the VBMA:
- Collaborative Advertising
- A voice in the community
- Access to city grant benefits
- Holiday Lights on the Blvd.
- Merchant Events
- Community Events
- Curbside Sweeping
- Additional street cleanup
- Merchant Membership Flag
- Event Table Space
- PPE Supplies
- Merchant Advocacy
Membership is currently only $100 for the year. Get involved today!
Contact us to inquire about member benefits or any questions you might have.
Christine DeHart
Tel: (718) 273-1200
Or email us and we’ll get back to you when we can.
Email the VBMA to start the membership process.